Let’s Build a Brighter Society

With the progress of civilization,

I expected

an earthly paradise would come.

Why then


are men isolated and dominated?

With the elevation of education,

I expected

wisdom and cultivation would be full to the brim

Why then

are men being possessed

by a sense of selfishness?


With the popularization of religion,

I expected

The human nature would become good

and understanding would take the precedence.

Why then

do men put hatred and discord first

and devote themselves to quarrels?


In today’s society

we feel mental poverty in materialistic richness,

machine and efficiency come

before human character,

human are neglected,

Reason and morality are shattered,

And selfishness, decadence and pleasure seeking

are turned into a shamble.

Modern science and materialistic civilization

being the best,

we will be the torch-bearer

for the restoration of human rights.

We will plant the tree of sympathy

in sterile ground

smiling, cooperating and illuminating the society.

We will revolve the earth

looking up at the blue sky,

through creating the history

with the lives of goodwill.


Hello, Sun,

We belong to the same family of mankind

in the village of earth.

We will take the lead in the movement

for a brighter society,

where there are beauty, affluence

and humanly reward,

realizing an earthly paradise in this world.

In God’s creation of the nature,

we are the creators

of the history of civilization.

We will clear up the darkness of society,

through planting a sound human atmosphere

in my land.

We will revolve the earth

looking up at the blue sky,

through creating the history

with the lives of good-will.


Hello, Moon,

We belong to the family of love in this star earth.

We will take the lead in the movement

for a brighter society,

where there are beauty, affluence

and human reward,

realizing an earthly paradise in this world.


After the School of Kyung Hee went ahead

in the movement for a brighter society,

the government succeeded to it

to disseminate the sound society atmosphere

in the name of The New Mind Movement,

Society-Purifying Movement,

and Righteous Life Movement.


Movement for a brighter society.

Let’s set out to participate in the movement.

Let’s put three ideas

of the movement into practice.


With the idea

of good-will


and service-contribution,

let’sestablish a society

which is spiritually beautiful,

materially affluent

and humanly rewarding.


With the movement for sound society,

we will establish a humane society

where human feelings and justice overflow.


With the movement for a better life,

we will realize a society of culture and welfare

where each member coexists and coprospers.


With the movement for love and protection of natural environment,

we will prevent air pollution,

looking after nature

as the treasure-house of life

and as shelter.


With the movement

for the restoration of humanity

we will create a society

where men play the mater

with the reconfirmation

that all men are equal.


With the movement for peace,

we will build a universal society

where liberty, equality and coprosperity

for all people are guaranteed.


When the movement for a bright society

overwhelms the whole society

year in and year out,

and globalized it,

overcoming the barriers of frontier and race,

neighbors will get brighter

and so will the whole country.

GCS-the movement for the reconstruction

of human society,

shall spread all over the earth.

*This poem was written by Dr. Young Week Choue in 1994 and translated by Dr. Mansoo Han

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